The Mediterranean Sustainability Award aims to promote
an inclusive transition to sustainability in the Mediterranean.
In this third edition, organised by MedWaves, the United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) regional activity centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) and Beyond Group, the award recognises success stories of sustainable businesses.
This edition is funded by the ENI CBC Med Programme.
Maya Karkour
EcoConsulting is a specialized sustainability and circular economy consultancy with a focus on reworking the relationship between businesses, institutions, industries, municipalities, builders, households and the Environment through greater energy-efficiency, better resource use, pollution mitigation, as well as healthier and circular solutions.
Mohamed Mekki Maalej
IrWise is an agriculture technology startup that provides an innovative solution for managing water resources in the agricultural sector. Its mission is to help farmers optimize their water usage, reduce waste, and increase crop yields. With a background in computer engineering and a passion for innovation, the IrWise team set out to create a solution that would help farmers manage their irrigation systems more efficiently.
Maher Oudira
Green Alafco
GREEN ALAFCO is a recycling company of aluminum Used beverage Cans (UBC) and PET Bottle scrap through the integration of the informal sector of waste pickers and by using a new technological innovation of smart recycling containers developped by their team.
Micaela Clubourg
DCC Platform
DCC offers a range of products and services that are deeply rooted in the principles of sustainability, authenticity, and collaboration. The key aspects of DCC include artisan collaboration with indigenous communities, sustainable fashion, Blockchain technology, Tailored Capsule Collections, design facilitation and commercial partnerships.
Adriana Santanocito
Ohoskin is a Sicilian orange and cactus-based coated textile bio-based material It has the feeling of high-quality animal leather but it is vegan and 100% plant-based and non-fossil. Thanks to its durability, it is ideal for the most conscious, prestigious brands in the fashion, automotive, and interior design industries.
Business Support Organitzations that have a clear focus and mission aligned with the Green Business Support; Circular Economy, eco-innovative entrepreneurship field. BSOs can be at an Early & Growth Stage, they must be legally constituted in one of the eligible regions of ENI CBC MED, and must have products and services.
Coaching services and external
technical assistance will be
delivered to the winner (the value of these services amounts
to 9,000 €)
Coaching services and external
technical assistance will be
delivered to the winner (the value of these services amounts
to 9,000 €)
Entrepreneurs/Start-ups that have a clear focus and mission aligned with the Green Business Support; Circular Economy, eco-innovative entrepreneurship field. Start-ups can be at an Early & Growth Stage, they must be legally constituted in one of the eligible regions of ENI CBC MED, and must have products and services.
Coaching services and external
technical assistance will be
delivered to the winner (the value of these services amounts
to 9,000 €)
Coaching services and external
technical assistance will be
delivered to the winner (the value of these services amounts
to 9,000 €)
The WeMed Award is hosted by MedWaves, the United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (MedWaves – Catalan Waste Agency) and co-organized with Texfor. It is part of RESET!, an EU-funded project under the ENI CBC Med Programme.
WeMed, the Mediterranean Sustainability Award, is a flagship initiative of the UNEP/MAP
Mediterranean strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD).
The third edition of WeMed is funded by the EU through the RESET! project and the SwitchMed Programme.